We are offering the following print exchange groups through out 2024 . We will set a subject for each edition . To keep it all standardised we will set the print sizes to be sent in just under A5 size . 14cm by 20cm (paper size ) print can be smaller .
How it works : you only need to register and pay for the exchange you wish to participate in . Complete the booking form and submit together with payment . This payment will cover your fees and return postage . You can participate in as many exchanges as you wish . We are starting off setting a limit per exchange at 40 participants , and if it proves popular we can increase the limits .
You need to send in 15 prints per exchange , apart from the Christmas card edition which will be 30 cards .
In exchange we send back 13 prints randomly selected from the participants entered in each exchange . ( balance of prints will be put on the website to cover admin costs and also enable the general public to buy a piece of limited edition art )
When sending in prints please separate each print with tissue paper or similar . We will reuse this when we return prints .
All prints for each exchange need to be submitted by 15th of each month following the close off dates which will be 30th of the last month listed .
Cost per exchange will be set at £35 ( Great British pounds)
The following print exchanges are :
January /February /March : MYSTICAL SEA CREATURES ( open to your creativity )
April /May /June : CATS ( can be your pet of a wild cat big or small )
June /July : CHRISTMAS CARDS (30 cards no bigger than A5 when folded , these will be send back together with envelopes ready for posting out early for Christmas )
August /September : FLORA ( this can be any form of flower , plants or trees )
October /November : FOUR SEASONS ( this can be spring , summer Autumn or winter , or you can use your imagination any subject as long it it incorporates 4 changing seasons or phases )