Refund Policy

We will endeavour to carry out any refunds  in the quickest possible time . However you must allow us time to communicate with artists , banks , shipping agents ect .

Refunds will only be paid out once all communications are carried out and all parties are fully satisfied . refunds cannot be made based on slow shipping or delayed shipping , delays at customs  or for any other delays beyond our capabilities . Remember the rural nature of Zimbabwe , there could often be a short delay in the artists getting the works to a shipping agent whether It be transport , lack of infrastructure ect .

In the case  where you are not fully satisfied with the quality of the artwork , we will however communicate with the artists to work out some sort of discount or refund  or replacement of art works , once these measures have been exhausted we can then work on issuing a refund .

All refunds are subject to the banking  delays of several working days , as per the norm . We cannot be held responsible for any refund delays beyond our control.